Q: I enabled Parental Controls in all of the standard user accounts in my Windows Vista computer. Whenever I log on to Windows, I’m always getting a balloon popup in the Notification area which tells me to look at the Parental Control activity report. How do I disable this notification?Read more
Windows Vista
Error 0x80070032 when creating a System Restore point in Windows Vista
When you try to create a System Restore point in Windows Vista, the following error may occur: Could not create the scheduled task for the following reason: The request is not supported. (0x80070032) This happens if the Windows Event Log and the Task Scheduler services are disabled. Follow these steps to fix the problem. 1. … Read more
Fix for Gadgets Not Showing Correctly in Windows 7 and Windows Vista
Have you come across the problem where some of the Gadgets that you added to the Sidebar/Desktop are not displayed correctly? For example, the clock gadget may be displayed as a black square containing only the “seconds” hand. Other gadgets may show up as white rectangles with an information (i) icon and a plus sign. … Read more
PreviewConfig tool registers file types for the Preview Pane in Windows 7/Vista
Windows Vista introduces the Preview pane in Explorer, which shows the contents of the currently chosen file. You can also play multimedia files from the Preview pane, without opening Windows Media Player. This article explains how to use the PreviewConfig utility to register a custom file type for the Preview pane in Windows Vista and Windows 7.Read more