Microsoft article How to open Excel files in separate windows in Windows 7 explains how to open Excel files in separate instances of Excel, but this doesn’t work in Windows 10 systems. There is an additional step needed to make it work in Windows 10.Read more
How to Open Excel Hyperlinks (to Folders) Without Showing the Navigation Pane in Explorer
When you click on a hyperlink in Excel that points to a folder location, it always opens the folder with navigation pane enabled, even if the user has disabled the navigation pane. This is because Excel invokes the "explore" verb instead of “open”, when launching a hyperlink to a folder. To prevent the navigation pane from being shown when clicking a hyperlink in Excel, use the steps:Read more
Office File Types .docx, .pptx, .xlsx Downloading as .zip
When you try downloading one of the Microsoft Office file types such as .docx, .pptx, .xlsx, the file may download as a .zip (Compressed Folder) file. This happens if the Office document MIME types are not registered in the web server you’re downloading the file from. There is nothing much the user can do, apart … Read more
Fix: Cannot Change the Connected State of Registered Office Add-Ins
When you attempt to enable or disable an Office Add-In, the following error message may be displayed and the Add-In state does not change.Read more